“When we first arrived in Lemon Creek, there was no running water. I was hired as a waterboy to draw water from a well or spring nearby and carry it to the kitchen.” – Excerpt from Henry’s interview
Title: A Nikkei Japanese Story (previous working title: Home and Native Lands)
Format/Genre/Production Country: Documentary, History, Canada
Language: English
Lengths: 23min
Logline: A Japanese Canadian recalls his life in Vancouver, captivity in Lemon Creek, and bomb-ravaged Hiroshima. (Subject: Henry Ryusuke Shibata)
Selected by:
DOC NYC X Voices of Canada Cohort Industry Roundtables, 2022
Supported by:
DOC Institute Breakthrough Development Lab, 2022
Hot Docs Canadian International Festival X Netflix Doc Accelerator Emerging Filmmaker Lab, 2020
National Association of Japanese Canadians Endowment Fund – Cultural Development Grant, 2019
Toronto Arts Foundation RBC Newcomer Artist Mentorship Award, 2018
Introduced at:
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre Monthly E-bulletin KOKUBAN Volume 2, Issue 5, 2021
NOTES 1 and NOTES 2 written by producer Eiko Kawabe Brown (written in Japanese language)